Saturday, April 12, 2008

Embrace the present moment!

I talk to lot of people, I flirt on a daily basis! Flirting is a healthy habit. Some I ask out for some fun, some I avoid! I avoid the gold diggers and girls with rules, I know the game, and it won't work on me!

Lets love by doing, not by wanting...

What is so wrong with just being friends? Even being friends with benefits! We all have needs, to which we are slaves at given moments!

What is so wrong with asking someone out? Even an interesting stranger! We all are here to get to know one another.

Let us kill every sadness and madness with a joke! What is the fun in suffering?

The past and the future are like illusions, just memories and ideas! What is real is the present moment, so lets embrace it!


leen said...

can we go on engaging in this healthy habit together :P

Kaainaath said...

come, come now!

Anonymous said...

wat abt the day when u have to answer for all those 'embracing moments'... ??

u gonna answer with the contentment of those lusty nights eh ?

Kaainaath said...

first are you trying to scare me? it doesn't work on me! truth is i believe God created pleasure so we can enjoy it and appreciate God for it... so if things are to be any different, I rather be a sheep!

So I will keep on embracing the moments and God knows what is in my heart and head more than anyone else... And, i am ready to die, even right at this moment! are you?

Anonymous said...

Lol.. Yes, God created pleasure to enjoy it.. and when you talk of appreciating it.. Shouldn't you be appreciating it within the set boundaries.. not as a sin..

What difference does it make for what you have in your head or heart? A sin is a sin right? Or u marrying everyone for a single night? :D

Who's afraid of death? The person who silently accepts his fate or someone claiming to make it happen eh ?

Kaainaath said...

What's this you say? A sin? What is sinning? Who define it? Who judge it? Sinning against whom?

Very powerful stuff...

As for marriage, dude, what is really marriage?

You know, you wrote "Shouldn't you be appreciating it within the set boundaries..."

I agree, we all should observe the limits...

Yes, I know, sounds a little weired coming from me. But we all should!

I know my limits! I know what is in the Big Book! The problem is, most guys don't know, but tend to talk!

When I meet a girl I really like and decide that I want to take things to a "relationship"
level, it's actually great to do it...

So far I haven't done it before date #10!