Monday, April 21, 2008

Easiest way to breakup!

First before we get to the breakup, let us see why we would want to break up. As far as I am concerned a stable and committed relationships are a pure connection between two or more souls. However, when one cheat, betray or abuse the other the purity of the relationship is lost and thus all has to suffer. How do I know? I did cheat!

Most of the time when this happens, the nature will no longer be on your side and it is better to break-up! But the choice is all yours, some might choose to suffer in the name of love or hope for the rare case when both wake up to a new enlightenment!!! The question you should ask is "Are we happy?"

Cheating and betrayal is understood easily, then comes abuse! Abuse comes in two forms, physical and emotional or psychological. Physical abuse is again easily understood, but the emotional abuse is the worst of all, as it can go unnoticed for months and if your dumb enough for years. The primary cause of abuse is insecurity!

It is the times when you feel yourself being drained out of energy just to sustain the relationship! When all you have are arguments with no peace of mind. It is the time when your partner start using treats! "If you go, I will die!" or "Your mine and no one can have you!" These emotional blackmails indicates it's time to leave!

When your sure it is time, the easiest way to breakup is, "just do it"!


Iya said...

... and here i was hoping for an insight into HOW to break up. pity...

Anonymous said...

easiest way would be 'saying HIV positive' or hell... just say u r gay :P

Anonymous said...


Kaainaath said...

iya, well, if you wanna break-up dude, the only way is to just do it... i can't make it simpler than that... anyways, every case is different so you can try and consult with an adult, preferably someone in a stable married life...

grysko & anonymous, i still remember what my mum said, "if you have nothing nice to say, you should just be quiet!"

Anonymous said...

well, m keeping quite now, i got nothing nice to say :P

Kaainaath said...

grysko, well, what else is there to say? There are very few people in this world who are really NICE like you! You must be wondering why the hell you did not figured it out on your own before... But anyways, great job. You are the man! Thanks for commenting...

Anonymous said...

back in the game with a new name ???

da Irresistible huh? - not bad ;)

if there ever was a forgive and forget, there wudn't be breakups... cos although u forgive, the event still remains as an haunting memory..

Kaainaath said...

i wouldn't say I am playing, the game have never defined me for I never was a player!
more or less you are right about the breakup, however, some of the relationships go through constant abuse due to insecurities, which are a series of events and a totally different story...