Saturday, April 18, 2009

Public Affection!

I was enjoying a coffee with a friend, in a stimulating conversation as usual, when suddenly all attention of the coffee shop was drowned to a couple walking in holding hands and practically clinging. I could not help but raised by eyebrow with a smirk at the girl, it was unconscious so can't help it. The guy show it and looked at the girl's returned smile, tightened his grab on her! Oh! my precious!

At that point my friend turned to me and asked. Why do you think they act like that? That question kept me thinking, with some reflections to the past! Well, truth be told, I was there, did that! To me enjoying a hug or a kiss in the public as a way of affection is nothing earth shattering. However, there are social formalities and absurdities. So based on my personal experience I told him.

A kid holding the hand of mum or dad is another story. Two girls doing it can mean anything! However, when a grown up couple does it I think such public affection can only mean one of two things! Either they are new in love or it is a sign of insecurity! Just see who is holding whose hand! If it seems that one is holding the others hand, the person holding the hand has an insecurity in the relationship. If it seems that both holding hands on a common ground and enjoying together, they are most probably new in love.


Anonymous said...

You seriously need to get laid.

Kaainaath said...

i know... but that can wait... :P