Thursday, April 23, 2009

So tell me, is there anything worth dying for in your life?

Dr. Martin Luther King said "If You've Got Nothing Worth Dying For, You've Got Nothing Worth Living For!" In a quest to find what people take worth dying for, I have being posing some questions to most of my friends. First I asked, would you die for your kid(s)? All without hesitation said yes! At least all of my friends said so! Next I asked, would you die for your partner? Most hesitated and those eventually said no! Than I asked, would you die for your Mum? Few thought about it for a few seconds and those few said no! I continued to ask, would you die for your Dad? Nearly all said no and very few said yes! Hmm, interesting... Next I asked, would you die for your country? All said no! What? Last I asked would you die for your religion? This question made nearly all of them to go into a deep thought, as if they wanted to say no but found it hard to say so! Eventually they did said yes, more or less like against their will! At least all had something worth dying for, giving them something worth living for!

Well, I believe what Martin wanted to say is not about dying but something way old, like Greek old. Where how much passion someone had in life was with what they were judged! It is not about how willing you are to throw your soul to death, more of the passion to fight for a cause, for a belief, for others and your betterment and for the world you live in. In this passionate fight are you willing to die or rather struggle if it calls for it! In this respect, without such a passion it is hard to stand up and keep going, to hurdle over obstacles and difficulties that life so like to throw at us. However today, when we say passion, it is more or less tangled with another, but a much volatile word called love and even sex for some.

If I am to give an example it would be like the passion Muslims had in the Golden Age, I believe the passion for God is something worth dying for! However the concept of Jihad as used now-a-days sound both stupid and confusing, I would not recommend it as worth dying! It is also like the passion Romeo+Juliet had, though it was only a play and I would never recommend it as worth dying! These example do not fit to our world now, in a way I want to convey it, as today the world has changed, the fights and struggles has changed! However, I believe we humans are still capable of attaining such passion and to do great things with it. I believe altruism is the key for such passion! So tell me, is there anything worth dying for in your life?


Mohamed said...

2-probably yes
3-depends (will they suffer)
5-our ecosystem is something worth fighting for but the people in it& the government, not so much
6-id die for my beliefs but nothing out of logic
(humanity, life, freedom..NOT invisible creatures that exists in our thoughts)

btw what do u mean die for ur religion?

hypothetical situation
say that ur religion tells u to sacrifice a goat every first Friday of a month & if u didnt u must kill yourself

r u saying u r gonna kill urself?

Unknown said...

This is a very interesting question. I think the answer depends on 2 important things.

1. How much you value your life.
2. How much you value others/things

If you perceive your life to be very valuable, the things you would give your life up for would be very limited. If you think your life is of not that importance, you would give your life away for more things.

My questions are,
1. Is our own life really valuable?

The answer to this depends on a few things. You mission in life (What you want to achieve and its value), What you believe happens after you die (Do you have a life after death or it all ends when you die. Basically whether you have another chance or not)

2. How valuable are people/things around you?

Answers to these questions will decide whether it is worth it dying for.

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