Saturday, April 4, 2009

How can a man fall, even when he wants and needs to!

Who says that love is an easy thing? Yes, I say it is suppose to be hard, especially for a man with strong ambitions. For such a man is a warrior who believes in loyalty, integrity, power and death. Living and Loving is an evasive affair. Though we all crave for happiness, friends, partners, children for joy, these very needs create frailty. Such is an unbearable weakness for a man, for whom weakness is next to suicide. So how can a man give in easily when love is a promise of a lethal vulnerability! How can a man fall, even when he wants and needs to! :P


Anonymous said...

hmmmmmmmmm so many misunderstandings about love? love is not a weakness its the strength in you and love is not suicide it makes people fly;-)no offense.

Kaainaath said...


You must be kidding me! I guess Romeo+Juliet will never agree with you after they realize what happened to them in the end! :)

Just to prove my point go watch these movies and tear yourself...

Notebook, Endless Love, The Virgin Suicides, Sweet November, Boys Don't Cry, What Dreams May Become, Sliding Doors, Ghost, Vanilla Sky, City of Angels, Moulin Rouge, Here on Earth, A Walk to Remember, Blow, Autumn in New York, A Star is Born, Titanic, Intersection, Love Story, West Side Story, Tristan and Isolde, The Painted Veil and the list goes on.... :P

memyself said...

Well well,that explains why you are so scared of love. You watch too many romantic movies...
In the real world, love is a blessing and very few are lucky enough to understand and embrace it when love walks their path.
Maybe if you give yourself a chance to fall... you would understand.

Kaainaath said...

scared you say! no my dear, no!

in the real world where a man, with all his big, tough, powerful manly qualities, is required to propose for marriage on bended knees! a mere act of begging, just to declare the ever lasting love...

dear, from where I see, this looks more like a conquest of will power and strength!

this leopard refuse to be tamed to such servitude! :P

Anonymous said...

hmmmm, If you dont want you dont have to bend on your knees to propose a woman. You can say it by standing. hehehe no offense. if movies are real, then every body would want to be in a fairy tale. And there are happy ending movies too. beside, life is not based on a movie...;-)

Kaainaath said...

Ano, you are again playing, writing words to betray your heart!

If a man propose by standing I am sure you will stick out your bottom lip, roll your eyes and petulantly say "If you loved me, you would!" :)

A man in love will have no choice but to bend, and he will hate it and lose self respect the following day! :(

Plus my life has always been just like a movie.. :P