Sunday, November 9, 2008

Where to find an interesting single?

I don't want to be seen as arrogant, not even when I am confident and full of myself... For I never enjoy feeling smug! So I guess I am in need to vent this excess energy, before I get angry with anymore people who are having the same crazy days as me! A time to take my jogging and swimming sessions more seriously! Or should I invest in love? Surely cards, flowers and gifts have helped in expressing my affection, but this extra energy I am feeling needs someone real, a physical presence really soon, perhaps a private session with my new SLR! So I am here thinking, is this the time for the same friends or the old friends or some new friends? So todays question is, where to find an interesting single?


preciousme said...

maybe a wild night with a wildcat wud do u gud... ;) hehehe!!!

Kaainaath said...

wild huh! a tamed wild cat is more like a pet!

preciousme said...

depends... ;)