Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I love my religion!

Just recalled a conversation I had with a Kenyan friend on a coffee break, back in Moscow.
He: "He dude, girls here rock!"
Me: "It doesn't impress me much!"
He: "Don't tell me your drunk!"
Me: "Well, there comes a point when you had enough of something you just don't find it that impressive, let's say I have had my share of girls from this world!!"
He: "Come on man, are you serious?"
Me: "Ever had four girl friends at the same time, with their consent?"
He: "Sound like a dream, have you?"
Me: "Well, I don't know about anyone else, but as for me I need varieties? You can take the animal away from the jungle, but not the jungle from him?"
He: "I agree but how the hell do you do that?"
Me: "I am a Muslim!"
He: "Damn, right, you guys can have four!"
Me: "I love my religion!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice conversation. its our duty to prove that v r in right path. n our relegion is not harm to human and what we believe what our relegion says on issues.