Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I hate ego! Yes I hate it... It is not worth it... Some say you can't live without it! It is just plain bullshit... Have you ever tried it? I know many will never understand this even in a life time...
In the quest of many, no matter how much of a party animal the girl you are with is, in the end one just have to fall... I know some try hard to evade, but when you feel it, you just feel it. There is no stopping it and what is the use of denying... After screwing around, one just have to end up in love... Too bad it is never me! It is like the same story again and again, with different actors... How boring can that be?
So this is it, I have had enough... This is pathetic, can't see any light at the end of the tunnel just some lonely hearts... I can't pretend something I don't feel... So I rather be happy in my own skin and I don't want to be labelled as a stone-hearted either!
So no screwing around form now on! Yes, you heard me right and it is me saying it... Stop! Period! Well, the leaf do not desert the tree, it just let itself be carried away by the wind... Goodbye!

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